Alchemy Town


Enjoy an awesome combination of puzzle match-3 game and citybuilder.

It’s never been so fascinating to play Match3 games and build your magic city.

Available on AppStore (Russia)

плакат А3 - Copy плакат А3-1 - Copy
Available on
the App Store

Ancient Planet


Ancient Planet is a Tower Defence  game

Bastion of ancient civilization, a keeper of galaxy wisdom is invaded by alien armies. Use powerful ancient technologies and defeat the attack of enemy armies!

3 4 5
Available on
the App Store Available on
Google Play Available

Clash of Gangs


Clash of Gangs is combination of gambling and arcade RPG

  • Tons of humor in more than hundred units!
  • A lot of bonuses just in one turn of wheel of fortune or even the revolver drum!
  • Attack! Steal! Compete with other players! Play with friends!
  • Create your invincible gang!

Coming soon on, Apple Store and Android.

Load_Screen_full_size - Copy push the button BUILD are you challenge



Amazing interactive tales for your kids!

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Available on
the App Store Available on
Google Play

Pig Bang


Build, shoot and command in arcade MOBA

Do you want to have a constant opportunity to take part in a funny and dynamic online fight at your finger tips? Then PingBang is for you! We’ve put together the best for you! Build, shoot and command your troops in arcade MOBA of a new generation. Play with your friends whilst convenient adaptable control and pleasant visual style will help you to enjoy the game from the first minute.

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